Fujihara Seminar

To fund the expenses required for holding international, academically advanced seminars that are planned and organized by Japanese scientists

(1) Fields sponsored
All fields of natural science
(2) Applications
Accepted from full time researchers belonging to scientific research institutions and organizations, including universities
(3) Sponsoring
Up to two seminars a year
(4) Funding
Up to 12 million yen per seminar (Up to 24 million yen in total)
(5) Requirements
a) Subject
Preferably, the seminar shall discuss subjects in areas of fundamental science that could greatly assist the development of related fields. The Foundation does not sponsor bilateral conferences or periodically-held international seminars, including their preliminary meetings.
b) Number of participants
About 50 to 100, of which approximately 20% shall be from abroad (foreign nationals)
c) Applicable session d:ate
Between January 1 and December 31 the year after the application
d) Venue
The seminar shall be held in Japan for a period of 2 to 4 days.
e) Miscellaneous
Preferably, participants should live together during the session and scientific exchange, in order to deepen friendly relations among participants
(6) Period for accepting applications
April 1 to July 31 every year
(7) Selection
Candidates are selected by the decision of the Fujihara Seminar Committee members (chairperson and standing members of the Fujihara Award Selection Committee).